Add to Technorati Favorites rental bike shop sightseeing tour Venice Padova Treviso cycling ride holidays italy guide: bicycle excursion at Venetian Riviera del Brenta, noleggio biciclette touring by bicycle

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

bicycle excursion at Venetian Riviera del Brenta, noleggio biciclette touring by bicycle

Riviera del Brenta cycle paths :
places narrated by Dante in his Divine Comedy

Dante told about Venetian Riviera del Brenta in
the divine comedy (canto 5, Purgatorio)

[Canto V, ove si tratta de la terza qualitade, cioè di coloro che per cagione di vendicarsi d'alcuna ingiuria insino a la morte mettono in non calere di riconoscere sé esser peccatori e soddisfare a Dio; de li quali nomina in persona messer Iacopo di Fano e Bonconte di Montefeltro.]

Ma s'io fosse fuggito inver' la Mira,
quando fu' sovragiunto ad Orïaco,
ancor sarei di là dove si spira.
Corsi al palude, e le cannucce e 'l braco
m'impigliar sì ch'i' caddi; e lì vid' io
de le mie vene farsi in terra laco»

Hire our bikes for your bicycle excursions in the Venetian Riviera del Brenta with alongside the canal, past the palatial villas where patrician Venetians escaped the summer heat.

With our itineraries you can see the antique villas and gardens

Our Rental Bike Service will deliver the bike to you at any bus stop (start/end itinerary), railway stations, or even your hotel/b&b.

Rent Services from 12 euro/day
(price variable under personalization of hire services).
Availables : bikes with 35-70 L trekking bags .

we are the first rental bike point in Italy that hire bikes in compliance with European standards EN14766

booking required

more informations and booking line

about us on the web :

Other information on Riviera del Brenta , bed and breakfast and Itineraries in Venice Region please visit

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